Not a Mean Dawg!
I wish my dog was a little more cooperative when we go on walks. The problem is that she insists on having things her way - and she puts up a fuss when you don't follow her rules. Kneeling down to take a picture is not what I should be doing. And she knows that if she yells loud enough - if she barks and growls and acts all triggered and shit - then she'll eventually get her way.

She's not mean. She's never bitten anyone other than me when we wrestle She's just spoiled. She's just throwing a tantrum. She's like any three year old in department store. She's like any college kid at a protest. She's just hyper-selfish - just like many of us have been at one time or another.

I don't know how to deal with it. She's an old dog and I feel that if I'm too forceful with her, I might traumatize her. I think the best way to deal with outbursts like this is to just walk away. And that's what I do.