Not a Mean Dawg!
I wish my dog was a little more cooperative when we go on walks. The problem is that she insists on having things her way - and she puts...

I Saw the Sign - On the Trail of Grant Wood
As someone who loves a good road trip, and in particular, as someone who gets a kick out of seeing offbeat tourist traps, I have to say...

Passing a pub in Dublin
With political correctness run amok these days, I suppose it’s not proper to highlight the stereotypes of a region or culture, but as a...

A Snapshot of Moosonee today!
Our little water taxi barreled effortlessly up the Moose River, creating a wake behind us that exposed the rusty brown water. We were...

Conceptual Street Photography
I just finished a course at the Ontario College of Art and Design. For people familiar with Toronto, they would know it as that building...

The Shit Show That Is Havana
Everything that I have been told about Havana is true. “It’s a major shit show!” someone warned me just before I went off to visit it a...

Councillor Norm Kelly for America's Sweeheart
Toronto City Councillor, Norm Kelly, is my new hero. He was a breath of fresh air when he took over as deputy mayor after the circus...

What's with the Dingo Bag?
I'd be selling it short to suggest that my five months spent living, working and travelling in Australia was the experience to end all...